Welcome to the Herpes Handbook!
Welcome to the Herpes Handbook. Have you recently been diagnosed with genital herpes? Are you a friend or family member of someone with herpes? Are you dating someone with herpes? If so, you are in the right place. The Herpes Handbook will help you find answers to the most common questions about genital herpes. The Herpes Handbook will also show you where to find the most reliable and accurate information about:
Herpes Support and Social Groups
Herpes Dating Tips – Herpes Dating Sites
and much more!
Herpes (HSV-1, HSV-2) is one of the most common STDs on the planet. And yet, most doctors do NOT include a test for herpes when they are testing patients for other common STDs. Most people with herpes have few or no noticeable symptoms, so most people who have herpes have never been tested for it, and do NOT even know that they have herpes! You are not alone. Please read through all of the chapters of the Herpes Handbook to learn how you can make a few adjustments in your routine to lead a happy and healthy life, have love, sex, marriage and children – or whatever else you desire in life.
You may also be interested in:
CDC Fact Sheet on Genital Herpes
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